Canada (September, 2020) – Immersed in a wonderland of painted projections; animation and sound to match the mood, was a bewitching experience. Given my brief studies of European paintings from my years at art school, many of the painted images were already ingrained in my memory. However standing fixed in the middle of the installation; felt more like standing inside a cinematic version of the post-impressionist paintings themselves. Abracadabra! 

India (January, 2003) – My thoughts wandered between nostalgia and reality, on that particular trip to Kolkata. Still gripped in a rather out of body state; I spent much of my time in quiet contemplation and repose from mesmerizing month, further east on the world map. From the bedroom window, I was often distracted from happenings of the construction next door.

Cambodia (December, 2002) – We hired a tuk-tuk to schlepp us around the temples for the day. Upon arrival at Ankor Thom; our autoist hopped up an elevated banyan root mound to join the posse in serenading the enlightened wayfarers. It was a lively interlude before entering the majestic overgrown ceremonious site.

Canada (September, 2016) – It's that time again; when the winds and light change, when shadows casts intricate dancing patterns. When the hints of winter starts its countdown, a time when normally I start to wanderlust about the next adventure, but this season seems more a reflection on the cityscape around me. Then again who knows, there's a change in the winds...